I am a little late with this post but at the end of October we went on our first family vacation to Maui. Kyle's parents have a timeshare at the Westin Villas....soooo beautiful! The month leading up to Hawaii, I swear I was having ulsers thinking about the flight. Not only do I have a little flying anxiety, but now we were attemping a 5 hour flight with an almost 8 month old. Jackson did AMAZING! We were lucky to have an empty seat between us so he could lay down and play. Such a good baby...Phew!
Maui was so great. The villas are so beautiful and we got hooked up with a ground level villa looking out to the ocean and directly in front on the pool. It was perfect! We brought the baby monitors so we could take them to the pool while Jackson was napping because we were so close! We also rented some baby stuff from a company in Maui and it was so helpful. He got a baby bath, and jumper. Super cheap and they delivered it right to our hotel when we arrived. (For all you Moms out there, seriously check into rental companies when you go on vacation! It was awesome!)
Kyle, Jackson and I had such a wonderful week swimming, kayaking, eating and just relaxing with his family. They are so wonderful and they LOVE Jackson so much. Kyle's Dad (Papa) and Jackson were attached at the hip. They would go on walks together, swim in the pool, run errands and just play. We are so lucky to have such an incredible family. On a sadder note, 1/2 way into the vacation, Kyle's Mom got a call that her Dad had a major stroke. Kyle is very close to his Grandpa and the new devestated the whole family. Kyle's Mom had to jump on a red eye that night and leave Hawaii early. It was hard to see her go but we knew she needed to be with her Mom and Dad. We tried to make the best of the rest of our vacation despite the sad news. We left Hawaii with a ton of pictures and a lifetime of memories. Jackson loved Hawaii and we cannot wait to bring him back for years to come.

Aloha, I'm in Hawaii!!!

Swimming with Papa

Family pic at the pirate ship.

The whole Hammans gang!

Just hanging out by the pool in my jumper.

Snuggling with Mom at the pool.

I love the water!!

Dinner in Lahaina
Best Mai Tai on the island!!!
Last night in Maui...
A beautiful way to end our fantastic vacation!!!