So I have to admit, turning 30 was hard for me. I didn't exactly embrace it well. My 20's were such an amazing time: college, getting married, traveling, little responsibiliy! It was hard for me to see how my 30's would top it. But 31, didn't seem so bad. I think the band aid had already been ripped from the year before! In fact, I am really learning how to embrace my 30's and all that is to come :) Sharing my birthday with a national holiday is actually really fun. I mean, who doesn't like the 4th of July? Sun, BBQ's, much to love. This year, we headed up to Del Mar again (it has been quite the tradition the last few years) to the beach with our good friends. We set up camp and enjoyed the morning relaxing and enjoying our friends and their amazing kids. Jack had so much fun playing in the sand and water with Emery and Dillan (and baby Connor)! This year was even more fun because he is so much more independent. He loved watching the cold, ocean waves move over his feet! And he ate quite a bit of sand too! After a while, we packed the kids up for their naps and headed to the beach house. We spent the afternoon lounging in the sun, going in the jacuzzi, and just hanging out while the babies slept. All 4 babies down at the same time = amazing! My good friend Kim and her husband had gone to the store and gotten a feast for dinner. Salmon, steak, baked potatoes...the works. We had a wonderful dinner outside followed up by an incredible homemade "flag cake" for my birthday that Kim made. It was absolutely delicious! The fourth of July could not be complete without an evening firework show and we could see them from the house. It really was a perfect way to spend my 31st birthday. Surrounded by amazing people that make me feel so loved. The beach, yummy food, wonderful friends. What more could you ask for?! Happy 4th of July!

Lovin the ocean

Jack and his favorite girl, Emery!
Cutest girl ever!!!

The gangs all here!

family pic

Dillan showing his patriotism
Jack, Emery, Connor and buds!

ready for the jacuzzi
Awesome bithday dinner!
Kim's homemade "flag cake." What a treat!
I love these girls!

Happy birthday to me!