Saturday, September 26, 2009

Keeping the Secret!

     I found out I was pregnant around 5 weeks. This will be the first grand baby on both sides so needless to say we knew our parents would be ecstatic! Especially because they have been asking for a grand baby for the last year! It was really important for us to tell them in person. The problem is, they don't exactly live down the street. My family is on the Central Coast and Kyle's family is in Oregon. So the dilemma began as to how we were going to see both of them and when. I had to report back to school in a few weeks so we had a short window. And last minute airfare to Oregon was pretty steep. But we wanted to make this moment as special for them as it was for us.
     We are very fortunate that our families are so close so we decided to organize a family get together over Labor Day weekend. Kyle's family would come down to my family's and we would tell them all together. Sounded great! Except for one thing......Labor Day was 5 weeks away! That's right, we had to keep this secret from all of our family and friends for 5 whole weeks! I didn't think I could do it. And between the constant morning sickness and "little white lies" to my friends, I thought I would cave. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done.
     But finally Labor Day weekend came and we were both on pins and needles. The baby is due April 6th which is 2 days before Easter so we decided to surprise them with an Easter basket. We bought an Easter Basket, filled it with grass and then put in three Easter eggs. Inside two of the eggs were our first sonogram picture from our 9 week appt. The third egg had the due date written on a piece of paper...April 6th 2010. We got to my Mom's house on Friday night. Saturday morning, Kyle snuck out of the house and put a box with the Easter Basket in it on the front door. We had written a Fed-Ex label addressed to all families and put it on top so they would think a package had come. Kyle rang the doorbell and ran back into the garage and into the house before anyone knew he was gone! My Mom went to the door and looked a little shocked to find a package addressed to her and my in-laws. Everyone was in the kitchen trying to figure out where and who this package came from. Kyle and I played along of course. Finally, they opened the box and found the Easter basket inside. More confusion. Kyle and I were dying inside! They looked for a note or explanation but found only the three little Easter eggs inside. My Mom grabbed one, Kyle's Mom grabbed one and my sister grabbed one. As they opened up the eggs to find the sonogram pictures and due date, the realization hit them. They all screamed "It's a baby! It's a baby. Oh my gosh. Kyle, Karly is it your baby?" As we smiled and nodded they began to scream even louder. Then the Mothers ran to each other crying and hugging and crying and hugging. We did not see them for the next 15 minutes because they had called everyone they knew to announce "their" news! The secret was officially out with the family and we felt relieved. It was a very special moment for the whole family and definately worth the wait! We are so blessed that this baby will be surrounded by a family with so much love! He/she is very lucky and so are we!

The new Grandmas and Auntie Hay!

Our Easter Baby!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! My wife and I just had our first 4 1/2 months ago! Best of luck on the whirlwind ride that is parenthood!
