Saturday, September 4, 2010

Dear Jackson...

Dear Jackson,

Today you are 6 months old. I cannot believe how fast you have grown. You are getting bigger and changing everyday. When I think back to that little peanut in the NICU with tubes and wires, I cannot believe you are that same child. Being your Mother is the most amazing gift in the world. I love when you smile with your lips closed, I love when you take naps on my chest, I love watching you play with Daddy. You have learned to roll over and now you "steamroll" everywhere around the house. I can't leave you alone for a second! You love music and dancing, you love to take walks, you love your bear blanket. Daddy and I thank God everyday for bringing you to us. You have brought us nothing but joy the past 6 months. We can't wait to watch you grow and get dirty and play soccer and everything else little boys should do! Just try not to grow up so fast OK? We promise to always be there for you. We promise to teach you about Jesus. We promise to love you unconditionally. I am so blessed to be your Mother.

I love you Jackson.

Love, Mommy xoxo

Our first photo together!

Almost 6 months old!